Monday, February 27, 2012

I am still here

Another week and not much going on with the weight loss unfortunately, last week was a lazy one compared to other weeks here's hoping I get things going again this far so good!

Week 8:

Monday-Off(lazy day for the whole family)
Tuesday- Insanity Cardio\
Wednesday- Bikram
Thursday- Off...yeah not feeling it
Friday- Insanity plyo

Like I said lazy week but I had a great workout today with P90x Legs and Back that will get you sweating in no time!
I must say I am concerned a little over 3 months until the trip and only about 6-7 pounds lost...gulp...I still need to lose around 20! Get it done Erin!


  1. you rock erin! and you already look fab. everything from this point forward is just bonus:)
