Saturday, January 28, 2012

An update

You know I thoroughly enjoyed reading my past post, it's pretty funny how frustrated you can get when trying to lose weight.

Here is the rest of my Week 3 and Week 4

Week 3
Wednesday- Bikram
Thursday-Chest and Back
Saturday- Legs and Back

Week 4
Monday- Shoulders and Arms
Tuesday- No workout my new diet pills made me sick today
Thursday- Core
Friday- Legs and Back
Saturday-...I am trying to motivate myself ugh

So last Saturday night Darrin and I went to a health and fitness store and spoke with a guy who used to be a professional body builder. He now developes eating and diet plans for anyone needing help. He recommended some new protein powder and carbohydrate powder for us to use when we work out so that our muscles can get the nutrients they need before and after we work out. I also started some fat burning pills but you definitely need to eat soon when you take them or you get sick....refer to my Tuesday! I was warned I would probably put on weight at first then it would stop to drop pretty quickly. Let's keep our fingers crossed!!!

Talk to you soon!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Well today I weighed myself and I have only lost half a pound...Ffffffffff!

Yeah I know I am building muscle and sometimes you don't lose weight right away...blah de blee blah

I am angry I am working my a** off, I better start seeing some changes soon or I am going to eat everything off the menu at Cafe Rio.....I'll do it!!

Whew I feel better

Stay tuned tomorrow to learn about some new supplements I have purchased that hopefully rectify this situation.

The End

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Slide a little healthy in there

Sometimes I use a few tricks to make the food that I am craving a little healthier...

  • Instead of using butter for grilled cheese I just put olive oil in the pan, and I usually like to add tomatoes and's so good try it!

  • When I want a bowl of pasta I substitute half the amount of noodles for steamed veggies, to the untrained eye it looks like a full bowl of pasta but inside is a ton of good stuff for you.

  • I like to slice fresh tomatoes on pizza, I usually eat less and you are getting all the extra nutrients in the tomatoes.

What are some of your "tricks"?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What's been shakin'

Here is what I have been doing so far for workouts

Week 1 Jan 2nd-Jan 8th
Monday- Bikram
Tuesday- P90x Shoulders and Arms
Wednesday- Bikram
Thursday- P90x Chest and Back
Friday- P90x Plyometrics
Saturday- Bikram

Week 2 Jan 9th-Jan 15th
Monday- Bikram
Tuesday- P90x Shoulders and Arms
Wednesday- Insanity Cardio
Thursday- Off and I needed it Whew!
Friday- P90x Core
Saturday- Bikram

Week 3 Jan 17th-23rd
Monday- P90x Chest and Back
Tuesday- P90x Shoulders and Arms
Wednesday...Pending Bikram

Well this is what I have been doing on top of no Pop and very little candy. I have cut back on carbs and have been increasing my protein intake.

I don't notice much of a difference yet so it has been easy to be discouraged but I am hoping that as I keep on it I will get the body I have been working for in June.

Wish me luck!!!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

So it begins

Well here I am

About 20 pounds of left over baby weight

The goal is 25 pound weight loss by June for my anniversary trip

Join me as I try to have faith that this can actually happen

Next update my workouts so far...

And what I plan on continuing with